Hello, I’m Mark.
I’m a writer, a breathwork and Reiki practitioner, a yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher, a surfer and musician (and many other things too - as we all are).
I‘ve always been a reflective deep thinker and even more so a deep feeler/sensitive soul even though I learned the conventional path to begin with.
Over time, I realised I was increasingly cut off from a fuller expression of myself, that I held a lot of unfelt emotions and was struggling to reconcile my external and working world with what was happening inside. I know now this is a natural impulse towards growth, individuation and integration/wholeness. Through experience, I’ve learned to combine that sensitivity with strength in a way that feels more authentic and real.
A serious neck injury and some profound extra-ordinary experiences were catalysts for making big life changes. Through yoga I learned to connect more fully to my body and its wisdom. It also helped me to realise how deep the mind-body connection goes. That led me to taking better care of my mind and its conditioned patterns through meditation and mindfulness practice.
Learning how to be in my body and mind more helpfully and compassionately inspired me to teach and support the same process for others. I know from experience that “The Body Keeps the Score” and also “that we contain multitudes.”
I’ve found inspiration, wisdom and guidance far beyond what I thought was possible (or even part of the human experience) through retreats at Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village, deep immersive experiences in nature, energy work and particularly with breathwork.
They have all helped point me towards a way of being that is warm and caring for all aspects of our lived experience. In my work, I combine that with recognised professional trainings to help people feel better (yes, you can read that both ways), find their more authentic expression and their true selves. I’ve found breathwork is a wonderful vehicle for self-exploration and healing that combines the many elements of who we are both in and beyond body and mind.
Along the way I wrote a book to give voice to what I was experiencing and to encourage and inspire others to a more heartful way of being and greater understanding. My heart and soul are in it. I know it has touched people deeply and that remains a most wonderful part of the journey.
All of these explorations have been part of a process of compassionate self-inquiry which combines direct experience, integration and embodiment. It has revealed (and continues to reveal) greater levels of understanding and the common essence of all our great wisdom traditions. The recognition of our deep connection to nature, ethics, body, spirit and mind, community – our ‘Interbeing’ and especially our heart.
The modern philosopher Ken Wilber talks about “Waking up, cleaning up, growing up and acting up”. To me, it seems we need more willing and awakening souls who are stepping into their growth and fullness in their own way to hold and bring into the world a greater sense of what we are capable of personally and collectively. Future generations need it too.
As others have done (and still do) for me, I’d be very happy to support you in your own journey towards greater wholeness, understanding, expression and loving service.